Rinse and buff for a shiny finish. Mix 2 tablespoons vinegar and 1 tablespoon salt to make a copper cleaner. Wash, rinse, and dry the item after this treatment. A cut lemon dipped in salt will also clean copper. Gold Here's an excellent way to clean gold: Mix 1 teaspoon of ash ...
Then, choose a chemical stripper for paint and varnish or a solvent for shellac and lacquer. If you would rather do it the old-fashioned way without chemicals, fire up a sander to wear away any type of finish. Take away the old finish to prepare wood to receive a new coating and a ...
You can also apply a sealer coat of shellac between the two if you don't want to wait. Be aware that varnish generally dries very slowly and can be difficult to apply, so it's important to know how to use this finish. Varnish Application Techniques Apply varnish with a new, clean, ...
exterior wood, the first coat should be applied liberally with a brush and allowed to dry without wiping. Nibs may be removed from the final coat by applying oil with a scouring pad, rubbing in the direction of the grain, then wiping away the surplus with clean rags or paper kitchen ...
Unsure of how to clean paintbrushes properly? This step-by-step guide will show you how to care for and keep them in good condition for your projects.
Wait for the primer to dry. This can take upwards of 12 hours, depending on the exact brand of primer you use. Consult the primer's container for the most accurate drying estimates. Step 4 Paint the trim using a clean foam brush and latex paint. Gloss or semigloss finishes are often us...
fully primed surface, you’re ready to start painting. You can use your foam roller again, or a paint brush. You can also use a paint sprayer for a super smooth finish. Just remember that if you’re working with an oil based paint, the sprayer will be much harder to clean afterwards...
After freehand routing close to the scribed lines, use a sharp chisel to clean up the sidewalls and corners. Epoxy the keys in place. Once the epoxy has cured, use a block plane or power sander to trim the keys flush to the slab surface. Then sand smooth. Space keys along the crack...
Step 1: Remove heavy finish withCitristrip If the existing finish (whether varnish, shellac, polyurethane or paint) is really “heavy” I first coat it withCitristrip. (If the piece doesn’t have a real heavy existing finish or multiple layers of paint, you may not even want to use Cit...
Thoroughly clean the paneling with an all-purpose cleaner or degreaser and a sponge. Make sure to clean thoroughly; any grease or grime left on the wall may bleed through the primer and paint.Allow the paneling to fully dry. Wade Works Creative ...