A clogged shower drain is a nuisance, so knowing how to clean your shower drain is vital. You may have excess soap scum, clumped hair, or mold clogging your pipes and causing shower drain smells. Whatever the source, this is a problem that doesn't go away on its own and must be ...
When the first cycle ends, remove the bowl and sprinkle one cup of baking soda along the bottom of the dishwasher. Run it on a short cycle. The baking soda will remove stains and freshen the dishwasher. The result? A bright, sparkling dishwasher that smells oh-so-clean. ...
Learn how to clean a dishwasher, including the drain, filter, gasket and door, with DIY options like vinegar and baking soda. Here's why to avoid bleach, too.
How to Clean a Dryer Cleaning the dryer is a little more difficult than cleaning the washing machine. However, it’s very important to clean your dryer, because dirty dryers can lead to fiery dryers. Lint is flammable stuff and if it touches a heating coil, well, you know what happens. ...
Even though wool seems to have super powers, it is no match for spilled wine, pet accidents or months of use during cold winter evenings. When it comes time for washing a wool blanket, here’s how to clean wool properly. If you have a new wool blanket that smells, keep in mind that...
The buildup of dirt may not be visible, but it can reduce the effectiveness of the machine and possibly produce foul smells on your freshly cleaned clothes. Why do you need to clean your washing machine? Well, cleaning your washing machine on a regular basis is recommended. Why don’t you...
Run that water, and inhale. No odor and a sink drain that drains just like it ought to? We thought so. Maintaining a clean bathroom sink drain Now that you have a bathroom sink drain that’s spotless and functioning beautifully, we’re guessing you’d like to keep it that way. Number...
Don’t forget to clean your washing machine too! There is nothing worse than picking out your favourite outfit only to discover it has a musty damp clothes smell lingering. Don’t panic, we have an easy guide forhow to get damp smells out of clothes, and prevent them in the future. ...
If your little pal keeps returning to a location to do her business, it’s because she still smells the previous event and this will trigger her to repeat the behavior. You must remove all traces of the odor before she’ll stop.
How to deep clean the inside of a washing machine to keep your clothes fresh, including methods for front and top load washers. Plus, find out if using vinegar really works.