such as a faulty gas valve or control board. You cantest the flame sensor, but it's just as easy to clean it, and if the problems were due to the fact that it was dirty, your job is done. If cleaning the flame sensor doesn't restore normal operation, test it after you've clean...
Cleaning gas furnace burners is a part of a professionalfurnace tune-up, but since dirty burners can reduce the efficiency of your furnace and keep you in the cold, you might not want to wait for an HVAC technician to clean them. It's a DIY job, but to do a thorough job, some disa...
In addition to the other possibilities, one possibility is that there is something not right with the induction motor. This fan is designed to give an oxygen supply to the fire to keep it going; however, if it isn’t able to do this, the flame will grow beyond control. A more frequent...
How To Clean An Eyelash Curler How to Clean the Outside and Inside of Your Car How to Create a Personal Financial Plan How to Deep Clean Your Keyboard How to Analyze a Book How to Be a Successful Business Woman How to Become a Bank Manager How To Become A Bank Teller How to become ...
You should check the air filter throughout the year and replace it whenever it gets dirty. It is also recommended to clean out the blower on an annual basis. You can accomplish this by simply vacuuming the blower and cleaning the fan blades. While you are cleaning the blower, inspect the...
s best suited for intermediate- or advanced-level entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their reach, boost their traffic, and get more ROI from their efforts. If you’re ready to grow your business to new heights and really want to dig in and do the dirty work when it comes to reports...
Another advantage of front-loading washing machines is that, because they use less water, they require less soap and bleach to clean clothes. However, many front loaders require the use of special low-sudsing detergents in order to work properly. Top Loader Upgrades To keep pace with the inte...
If your furnace has a spark ignitor and it's working haphazardly, it too could be covered with soot, and a blast of compressed air may be enough to clean it. Compressed air can also clean ablocked pilot tubethat is causing the pilot flame to burn weakly or not at all. Simply point ...
How to Light a Pilot Light on a Trane Furnace How to Relight the Pilot Light on a Gas Furnace You may have to crouch down to do it but look inside that cavity, and if you see a small bluish flame about an inch high, the pilot is on. If you don't see that flame, then the pi...
All SectionsA: Sustainable EnergyA1: Smart Grids and MicrogridsA2: Solar Energy and Photovoltaic SystemsA3: Wind, Wave and Tidal EnergyA4: Bio-EnergyA5: Hydrogen EnergyB: Energy and EnvironmentB1: Energy and Climate ChangeB2: Clean EnergyB3: Carbon Emission and UtilizationB4: Nuclear EnergyC: En...