1. Is GST paid every month? Yes, GST is paid monthly for most businesses. 2. Can I make GST payments after 8 PM? Yes, you can make GST payments after 8 PM using online methods such as Net Banking, UPI, and credit/debit cards, as the GST payment facility is available 24/7. Howev...
How HBL and MBL works. How shipper and consignee are mentioned in HBL and MBL. Let us take the same example. When receiving goods from exporter X, A as freight forwarder release House Bill of Lading to X in his specified format. Here, the shipper is X and consignee is Y in the said...
Import under EPCG after GST GST on imports by EOUs and SEZs Changes of operation of SEZ Does CVD exists under project imports? Baggage clearance after GST implementation Refund of SAD paid on imports How to claim ITC under imports? Procedures to claim Drawback after GST implantation How to cla...
Navigate and select the certificate. Click the sign button. The PAN attached to the selected DSC will be validated against the PAN of the authorized signatory registered with the GST common Portal. The Message “your DSC has been Successfully registered” is displayed. In case the PAN of the ...
Claim Refund of excess GST paid Furnish Letter of Undertaking Transition Forms Viewing E-Ledgers Filing of GSTR Apart from the above-mentioned services, filing ITC forms, changing core and non-core fields, browsing notices received, engage/disengage GST Practitioners are some other services that are...
15 days, it can get allotted within 2-3 days or a week. Hence, it is important to regularly conduct theGST application status checkon the portal. Once GSTIN is allotted, you must quote it on your invoices to your customers and provide it to your vendors to claim the input tax credit...
GST payments, claim of non delivery of service Double payment error in GST tax payments Payment of GST tax through fraudulent use Issue of charge back in CC/DC Payment in GST payments Challan Format of GST Tax payment GST Tax payment, error in Total amount, How to solve?
In Singapore, it is compulsory for businesses with turnover exceeding $1 million per year to register for Goods and Services Tax. Being a GST registered
Have you started a new business? One of the things you'll need to decide is whether or not to register for GST. Use our guide to learn how to register!
As mentioned above, all Australian imports must go through customs clearance by the ABF. In this regard, importers must provide an Australian Business Number (ABN). Additionally, they must have a registration for GST to claim input tax credits. ...