Money saving expert Martin Lewishas provided invaluable information on how millions of disabled or ill pensions could claim up to £5,600 a year to help them with living costs. It’s all thanks to Attendance Allowance (AA), a benefit provid...
On other devices/computers. Head to theCreate Your Google Account pageand create an account for your child. Sign in with your own Google Account and choose a way to provide parental consent for your child’s account. You’ll see a confirmation message on the screen when you're finished. ...
It is fundamentally wrong that people can claim super pensions while still working.I took the opportunity at Leaders' Questions to ask the Taoiseach how the Government could contemplate cuts in child benefit, cuts to carers' allowances, increases in student fees, the closure of community nursing ...
1 WELCOMETOBELFASTCARERS’CENTRE INFORMATIONPACK ACarerissomeonewho,withoutpayment,provideshelpandsupporttoa friend,neighbourorrelativewhocouldnotmanageotherwisebecauseof frailty,illnessordisability. BelfastCarers‟Centrehasbeenprovidingsupportandinformationto CarersacrossBelfastandtheGreaterBelfastareasince1996.Wearean...
However, for some people, there was an imperative to get to grips with the various benefits related agencies in order to ensure that they did not miss out on benefit entitlements, nor fall foul of the system by continuing to claim for benefits for which their diagnosis disqualified them, ...
Hi, thank you for replying. Yes she has a good EHCP and attends a special school for DC with severe LDs. We have had someone out from the council to assess for respite and they have registered our other kids as young carers. We haven't had a carers assessment for ourselves, appar...
useful principles to consider when trying to provide for the needs of people with disabilities, particularly in low-resource settings. While access to assistive devices is important, devices have limited capacity to improve participation if the broader environment is overly restrictive and stigmatising....
Attendance Allowance is often overlooked and can be claimed by anyone needing care at home. This funding is not means-tested, so you are able to claim the allowance regardless of how much money you have. Attendance Allowance is not means-tested. ...
Wales needs funding for this; VIEWPOINTS It has nothing to do with child benefit, attendance allowance, disability living allowance, income support, carers allowance, job seekers allowance, pension credit or even the carers allowance, yet the politicians claim they will have to make some tough deci...