DHPS do claim to find a significant final asymmetry for very large δm2 values. However, for this regime the effective potential they employed is not valid.P. Di Bari and R. Foot and R.R. Volkas and Y.Y.Y. WongUniv MelbourneAstroparticle Physics...
Liability Insurance: You must attest that you individually carry or will carry and maintain upon commencement of practice, professional liability insurance in an amount of not less than $50,000 per claim with an aggregate liability limit for all claims during the year of $300,000 as required by...
The claim is not that mammals are “born rational,” but that they are born with a learning mechanism evolved to strive ever closer to the outcomes desired by the organism, as much as possible. Click here for a simplified explanation of how we learn in big jumps and small jumps; this ...
I have been consistent in what I have said about this, despite your attempts to claim that I have not been, and Jeffrey Frankel’s post says nothing about it, given that his possible W, which is certainly possible, is not an L, although it is also not a “lazy J” (again, my con...
The Buddha advised above that "the four great references [are] for you to preserve", but attempting to claim carte blanche legitimacy for a third-tier authority, irrespective of its content, potentially based upon allegiance to the nationality of the authors, without tracing it back to the actu...
Whether a device is good enough is for the user to say not you. You claim degradation, I claim not. Whose anecdotal opinion is “better?” FeliApple said: Firstly, everyone uses their iPhone differently, so an objective metric here is impossible to determine. That sai...
Therefore we conclude that the DHPS results have sufficient veracity at the onset of explosive asymmetry generation, but are invalid in the ensuing low temperature epoch where MSW conversions are able to enhance the asymmetry to values of order 0.2-0.37. DHPS do claim to find a significant ...
Despite this, we do not claim that our study should be generalized to a much wider population, only further studies can say something about that. Finally, the number of people who received a free travel pass was rather few and the time period of use was short. Despite this, it did ...
To sum up, findings in the literature regarding the impact of PA and TA on the writing quality of EFL students' essays are mixed. Some researchers claim that peer feedback is not always effective as students tend to think that peer comments are not that credible or accurate and do not ...