MLA is fussy. When teaching students to cite quotations in MLA format, it can feel like we are really nit-picking at details. And, I suppose we are. Students need to include certain elements, and those elements are really not negotiable. Assuming students have already chosenrelevantevidence to...
How to write and cite in MLA (Modern Language Association) Format Do not make a title page for your paper unless specifically requested. In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date. Again, be sure to use 1.5 spaced...
How to cite an e-book in MLA format You might need to cite a digital version of a book that you accessed on your e-reader device. In this situation, you can include supplemental container information for the e-book citation. Below is an example of an e-book citation in MLA style: La...
MLA Works Cited entry Hals, Frans. The Clown with the Lute. 1625. The Norton Shakespeare, 3rd ed., edited by Stephen Greenblatt, W. W. Norton, 2016, p. 35. MLA in-text citation (Hals) A similar format is used to cite an image reproduced in a PowerPoint. Citing images from journal...
Works Cited: Citing books and other print sources. Resources to help you properly cite using MLA & APA format. All citation entries should be double-spaced, the examples provided below are CitingBooks.and the MLA Style ManualGuide to Scholarly...
How to In-Text Cite Movies in MLA Format. Students studying film and other subjects within the humanities and liberal arts often use Modern Language Association, or MLA, style to cite their sources. MLA style uses parenthetical citations within the text
How to cite a movie in MLA format using an alternative version If you’re using an alternative version of the film, such as a director’s cut, mention the version after the contributors and before the production company for the works cited page. You do not need to mention the version in...
How to Cite an Excerpt From a Textbook. When writing a paper, document or other similar publication, it is important to give credit to the sources of the information you use. Citing an excerpt from a textbook can be done using one of the two most common
If it’s not a specific episode but a whole podcast series that you need to cite, the format is slightly more straightforward. Note that a space is left after the dash in the date range here because the series is still ongoing. MLA format Host last name, First name, host. Podcast Name...
How do I cite an encyclopedia entry in MLA format? To cite an encyclopedia entry in MLA style, you need to have basic information including the authors, entry, editors, publication year, title of the encyclopedia, publisher, and page numbers. The templates for in-text citations and works-...