while papers for a semester-long course are generally half as long at 10 to 12 pages. Find out the number of sources to include and whether you need to cite them or discuss them at greater length. Research papers can cite anywhere from 10 to 100 references. It depends on the topic and...
How toWrite an APA Style References Page How toAdd a Website to a Bibliography How toWrite an Annotated Outline How toCite a Wikipedia Article in MLA Format How toWrite a Summary A Guide to Writing a Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) Paragraph for Science How to Draft and Write a React...
How are you supposed to cite your sources? If you are unclear about any of these important details, be sure to ask your instructor. 2 Gather your writing tools. Some people like to write on a laptop. Others may prefer a notebook and pen. Be sure that you have all the materials you ...