Wikipedia is a useful source of background information that students often use in the early stages of research. However, it’s often not considered a reliable source to cite in your academic writing. If you’re certain you’re allowed to cite Wikipedia, the citation usually includes: Title ...
How to Cite We are sometimes asked how the Encyclopedia articles can be cited. This depends on whether you want to cite the online version or the (rather old) print version: Online Version Instead of the normal page URL, we recommend using the DOI link which you can find in the box ...
To cite a source, you need an in-text citation and a reference entry. Auto-cite in the right format with our free citation generator.
To cite a website with no author, date, or title in MLA format, it is important that you know the name of the website and URL. As the publication date is not available, it is important to add the accessed date after the URL in the works cited list entry. The templates and examples...
Hundreds of court opinions, including at least one from every federal circuit court, and thousands of law review articles cite Wikipedia. Some opinions have relied on Wikipedia for technical information, although others only turned to the consensus website for background information on minor points....
The CMOS recommends that any type of personal communication be cited in text and notes, and indicates that it is rare to cite these in a bibliography (CMOS 14.214 and 15.53). Examples of personal, electronic communication include: Email
Cite a Multivolume Work in APA Cite a Play in APA Cite Romeo And Juliet in APA Cite Shakespeare in APA Cite a Short Play in APA Cite a Sonnet in APA Cite an Audiobook in APA Cite the Quran in APA Cite a Documentary in APA Cite a Textbook in APA Cite Wikipedia in APA Cite an Onl...
To create a journal reference or citation, you will need to know the author, publication year, article title, journal title, volume, issue, page range, and/or DOI (digital object identifier) or URL (uniform resource locator). The templates and examples below will show you how to cite a ...
Credibility:Even if a writer appears to use a variety of evidence to support arguments, you need tomake sure the sources are reliable. Does the writer cite Wikipedia or statistics from a peer-reviewed, scholarly article? Clearly, there’s a difference between the two. ...
A battle rages on Wikipedia. On one hand, most companies would like the prestige that comes with having a Wikipedia article about them. On the other hand, many Wikipedia editors simply do not like companies and will find any reason to take down or degrade articles about companies – no matt...