How to cite this articleMarín, Juan CZapata, BeatrizGonzález, Benito ABonacic, CristianWheeler, Jane CBruford, Michael WPalma, R EduardoPoulin, ElieAlliende, M AngélicaÁngel, E
Dr S Jay Bowman is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA, where he was honored with the Alumni Merit Award in 2005, and an instructor at The University of Michigan and Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA. He maintains a privateSJ Bowman...
Many attempts have been undertaken to optimize the blade's shape to increase the performance of these wind turbines. The vertical axis is still under development. The elliptical-blades with a cut angle equal 47.50° have recently shown enhanced performance. In this study, we investigate the ...
Mentoring activity has gained much momentum in private and public sector businesses, in small and large business enterprises, and within educational institutions and social contexts (Garvey, 2014). This high degree of interest is due to mentoring developing a reputation as a vehicle to develop human...
How to cite this article:Noel, J. K. & Whitford, P. C. How EF-Tu can contribute to efficient proofreading of aa-tRNA by the ribosome.Nat. Commun.7,13314 doi: 10.1038/ncomms13314 (2016). Publisher's note:Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published ...
Howtocitethisarticle: TarawnehE,AwadZ,HaniA,HarounAA,HadidyA,MahafzaW,SamarahO.Factorsaffecting urinarycalculitreatmentbyextracorporealshockwavelithotripsy.SaudiJKidneyDisTranspl 2010;21:660-5 HowtocitethisURL: TarawnehE,AwadZ,HaniA,HarounAA,HadidyA,MahafzaW,SamarahO.Factorsaffecting ...
Journal citations are used mainly in the sciences and social sciences to inform the reader about the source you have quoted or paraphrased in your work. When you cite a journal, the exact format will depend on the style you use, for example, Harvard, APA or MLA. Check with your academic...
The date of last modification can be found at the very bottom of the article (“This page was last edited on…”). MLA Citation Generator How to cite Wikipedia in Chicago style Chicago style recommends against citing Wikipedia as a source. However, if you do need to cite it, the format...
How to Cite Peer Reviewed Journal Articles. A peer-reviewed journal article is an article that has been reviewed by experts in the field. For this reason, peer-reviewed journal articles are considered academically rigorous and factually correct and are s
When making an in-text citation, only write the first author’s last name followed by “et. al.” This applies to both parenthetical and narrative citations. For example: (Richard et al., 2019) Richard et al. (2019) Solution #3: How to cite an article written by an organization in ...