Both my mother and my father worked for 3 decades as judicial clerks in portuguese courts, to be used, at the end of their life, as targets against which to direct violence by cowardly colegio militar alumni and criminal associates of Jasper Kums trying to force me to return to Portugal, ...
How financial conflicts of interest in the DSM reinforce gender bias in psychiatric taxonomyEmily E. WheelerLisa Cosgrove
In many species and higher taxa, most of the variation in metabolic rate relates to body mass, but many other intrinsic and extrinsic factors can have significant effects as well (e.g., [2,5–7]), for reasons that have been debated for decades [6–20]. Many kinds of theories and ...
understanding of others’ intentions, as well as a questionnaire pertaining to their comprehension of social situations, ironic criticism, and idioms.Results: TD children outperformed the autistic children in idiom and irony understanding, as well as in ToM and social situation understanding. ...