Acknowledgements This work was supported by computational resources provided by the Australian Government through the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) Facility, the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, the Multi- modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualisation Environment (MASSIVE) under the National ...
‘The Sexualisation of Young People’. The UK report came rather late in the international context, following on from earlier reports, including the American Psychological Association Taskforce report on the sexualization of girls (APA, 2007), and the Australian government-led research on the sex...
The Australian Federal Government introduced the Common Youth Allowance (CYA), on 1 July 1998. The great majority of the package passed through the Senate
many NFPs have a core mission to increase inclusiveness and protect the well-being of society’s most vulnerable people. They deliver this mission in ways that cannot be substituted through commercial or government activity. Second, NFPs trade on their trusted...
Chinese-Australians into echoing the official narrative on China, and said that an interviewer from SBS, a television network funded by the Australian government, "wanted me to confirm her narrative that the Chinese government had operatives following me and were actively suppressing me in Australia"...
Evaluating the economic impact of “social distancing” measures taken to arrest the spread of COVID-19 raises a fundamental question about the modern economy: how many jobs can be performed at home? We classify the feasibility of working at home for all occupations and merge this classification...
A Chinese Muslim living in Australia revealed that Australian media outlets often attempt to manipulate Chinese-Australians into echoing the official narrative on China, and said that an interviewer from SBS, a television network funded by the Australian government, "wanted me to confirm her narrative...
It has been on the political agenda for the local governments how to satisfy their citizens to enhance their commitment and contribution to the communities. Especially in this ageing population era with tight fiscal conditions, it is essential for the government to know the prioritised policy menu ...
Cite this article Applied Research in Quality of Life 139Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract Recently, migration and migrated distance significantly affects people's mood and satisfaction, and this idea has been recently incorporated in literature. The objective of this research is to analyze the rel...
(Government of Ireland, 2019). Outside Europe, Australia and Canada are among the countries using them (Australian Energy Council, 2019;Hastings-Simon et al., 2022). While some use the “conventional” British design, others have adapted the contracts significantly. The fact that CfDs, unlike...