In this section on how to make citations in research, we will discuss when you must cite a source and how to avoid overcitation. When to Cite a Source The components in a citation or reference entry are devised to allow the reader to identify or locate the specific source that is cited...
In this study, we analyze 4,255 articles published during 2007 to 2016 to explore how authors of library and information science (LIS) cite references in their articles. The pattern of citations shows that LIS authors cite more works on average but the average in-text citation times per ...
Locate the information you need to cite within the body of the essay. If all of the information in a paragraph came from the same page of the same source or contiguous pages of the same source, you only need to cite the last sentence in that paragraph. However, if you combined several ...
Journal articles are one of the most important sources of information for research papers. Often times, they will serve as your main source of information, as journal articles contain information that is specific to a topic. This page will show you how to cite journal articles in APA style, ...
How to Cite a Reprinted Article. Reprinted articles can be good sources for research papers, but citing them can be a bit tricky. Before you can cite reprinted articles correctly, first choose a citation style --- Modern Language Association (MLA) and Am
How to Cite We are sometimes asked how the Encyclopedia articles can be cited. This depends on whether you want to cite the online version or the (rather old) print version: Online Version Instead of the normal page URL, we recommend using the DOI link which you can find in the box ...
Proper in-text citations within a research or term paper can make the difference between a passing and failing grade, as failure to provide proper in-text citations can lead to a charge of plagiarism. Using in-text citations helps tell the reader where the information you are discussing orig...
How to cite an editorial in MLA format In some cases, you might need to cite newspapereditorialsor letters to the editor. To cite these, follow the same format you would use to cite any other kind of periodical article, but include the word “editorial” or “letter” to designate the ...
How to cite a remote lecture in APA format In today’s world, many lectures are delivered via online learning platforms. Here’s how to format your bibliography citations for these: Lecturer’s last name, First initial. (Year, Month Day of lecture). Lecture Title [lecture recording]. Onl...
The Mendeley Telegraph, Research News, pp.9. Retrieved from How to Cite Magazine Articles in Print or Online in APA Format The basic structure is as follows: Author surname, initial(s). (Year, month day). Title. Title of the...