When you use a bibliography tool like EasyBib to help you with your citations, make sure you are citing a newspaper article – not a website!How to cite a newspaper article with two authorsReference Page Structure Author last name, F.M., & Author last name, F. M. (Year, Month Date...
When referencing a journal article in the body of your text, use a parenthetical citation containing the authors' last names and the date of publication. For an article with three to five authors, list all authors names the first time you cite the article in your paper. For example: (Varga...
To cite a book with multiple authors in MLA style, you need to have basic information including the authors, publication year, book title, and publisher. The templates for in-text citation and works-cited-list entry of a book written by multiple authors and some examples are given below: ...
It’s important to cite your sources for several reasons. It shows your readers you’ve done the research and improves your credibility, it gives credit to the authors of your sources, and it prevents plagiarism. In this article, we’ll discuss how to cite a book in various citation styles...
If a research paper has two authors, how should you cite it in your literature review in MLA style? A. (Author1 and Author2, page number) B. (Author1, Author2, page number) C. (Author1 & Author2, page number) D. [Author1; Author2, page number] ...
Below are examples of how to cite textbooks with multiple authors in APA format as a parenthetical citation and a narrative citation. Parenthetical For two authors, use the last names of both authors, separated by an ampersand. Then follow the names with a comma and the publication date. ...
3. How to Cite a PowerPoint with Multiple Authors If the PowerPoint has just two authors, you may use comma(,) or ampersand(&) to separate them but If the PowerPoint has more than two authors, list the authors by commas only.
Grammarly (@Grammarly). “The more concise your message, the more likely it isto get a response.” Twitter,May 2, 2022.https://twitter.com/Grammarly/status/1521157691200229378. How to cite a website with multiple authors in Chicago style ...
There are many ways to employ Parenthetical Referencing in a paper, thus making it sometimes inconsistent or ineffective as a referencing system. In this work we list and explain a set of 21 guidelines for a consistent and effective use of Parenthetical Referencing (also known as Harvard Style ...
If you are citing a single chapter or essay from a collection with multiple authors, cite the author of the chapter or essay. For instance, we could cite a chapter from an edited book like this: Coren (2004) makes many bold claims about edited books. ...