An APA in-text citation consists of the author’s last name and the year of publication (also known as the author-date system). If you’re citing a specific part of a source, you should also include a locator such as a page number or timestamp. For example: (Smith, 2020, p. 170...
Researchers and students in the behavioral and social sciences often use lab manuals for information about procedures, equipment and safety. They may need to include this material when writing about their studies. The sixth edition of the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association" ...
How to Cite a Class Note in MLA Style. Whether you use outlines, diagrams or full sentences, notes are an excellent way to organize and review class material. If you want to include facts from notes in your writing, you must identify the source of the in
How to Cite a Book (Title, not chapter) in APA Format Book referencing is the most basic style; it matches the template above, minus the URL section. So the basic format of a book reference is as follows: Book referencing examples: Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (...
How to cite an e-book in APA format The APA citation for an e-book that has a URL or DOI follows a similar format as a standard book citation. The main distinction is the inclusion of its DOI or URL, which is formatted as an active link. This is placed after the publisher’s name...
Knowing how to cite a poem in MLA, APA, or Chicago style keeps your work polished and plagiarism-free. Cite Poems? Easy. We’ll handle the tricky citation stuff while you focus on the ideas Hire a Writer How to Cite a Poem in MLA MLA format has rules for everything — line breaks...
How to cite a remote lecture in APA format In today’s world, many lectures are delivered via online learning platforms. Here’s how to format your bibliography citations for these: Lecturer’s last name, First initial. (Year, Month Day of lecture). Lecture Title [lecture recording]. Onl...
APA citation format is probably one of the most popular citation styles. Everyone knows it, or at least has heard about it. However, the problem is that most students are just lost when it comes to APA references. It’s very simple: You write a paper. You have to cite all sources. ...
Some books come in multiple volumes. You may want to cite the entire book if you’ve used multiple volumes, or just a single volume if that was all you used. Citing a single volume When citing from one volume of a multivolume book, the format varies slightly depending on whether each ...
The book title should be in sentence case and italics. It is not necessary to mention the format, platform, or device of the ebook in the reference. How do I cite a book chapter in APA when the book includes an editor and/or translator?