This article describes how to use the IEEEtran class with LATEX to produce high quality typeset papers that are suitable for submission to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEEtran can produce conference, journal and technical note (correspondence) papers with a suitable...
When writers fail to cite their sources, they commit undercitation, as the APA (n.d.) calls it. This leads to plagiarism. This is really frowned upon not just in the academic research community. It is also a no-no in every type of publication, from films to music. So, it is best...
1, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 20021How to Use the IEEEtran LATEX ClassMichael Shell, Member, IEEE(Invited Paper)Abstract—This article describes how to use the IEEEtranclass with LATEX to produce high quality typeset papers thatare suitable for submission to the Institute of Electrical andElectronics ...
ieeetrantexdoclatexuseonlinedraftcls JOURNALOFLATEXCLASSFILES,VOL.13,NO.9,SEPTEMBER20141HowtoUsetheIEEEtranLATEXClassMichaelShell,Member,IEEE(InvitedPaper)Abstract—ThisarticledescribeshowtousetheIEEEtranclasswithLATEXtoproducehighqualitytypesetpapersthataresuit-ableforsubmissiontotheInstituteofElectricalandElectroni...
Create new research papers using the IEEE LaTeX templates with your metadata pre-filled in on Overleaf Click the links above to jump straight to that section, or just continue reading below! How to link your accounts Firstly, if you don't already have one you'll need to sign up ...
Hypergraphs offer an explicit formalism to describe multibody interactions in complex systems. To connect dynamics and function in systems with these higher-order interactions, network scientists have generalised random-walk models to hypergraphs and stu
25、e clear from the introduction: Why the current work was performed aims significance What has been done before What was done (in brief terms) What was achieved (in brief terms) IntroductionDONT Write an extensive review of the field Cite your own studies or those of colleagues disproportiona...
This document is written for new graduate students at the MIT AI Laboratory. However, it may be useful to many others doing research in AI at other institutions. People even in other fields have found parts of it useful. How do I use it? Its too long to read in one sitting. Its best...
HowToWrite_NTU 如何提高撰写英文科技论文的水平与投稿命中率 Prof. Kai-Kuang Ma (马凯光), PhD Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 1 This is
Most AI labs are sadly inbred and insular; people often mostly read and cite work done only at their own school. Other institutions have different ways of thinking about problems, and it is worth reading, taking seriously, and referencing their work, even if you think you know what's wrong...