1 Biblatex create a \citejournal command with journaltitle, date, title 2 Idemtracker between article or inbook and book with cite command in biblatex 3 Citing (author, journalabbr., year) needed 7 How to cite the title AND the year in the same command? 5 Biblatex replace title ...
I don't want to say in my proof "This proof closely follows [1]" but need something more elegant that I can use on any other theorems. What is the standard/your favourite way to do this? Currently I alter to say: begin{proof}[Proof\cite{blah}] and then list my version. Sorry if...
If you already use LaTeX, this process is simple. Download a citation, save it to a reference manager or paste it into a new file, figure out its cite key, and type \cite{cite-key} (where cite-key is whatever your cite key is). Then add the bibliography by typing \bibliography{my-...
However, if you switch to use bookdown::word_document2 output, the figure caption becomes "Figure 1: Figure S1. ...". I haven't found a way to suppress "Figure 1:" and have to do post-processing in my output to search and replace all "Figure ?:" with "". Share Follow edited...
If I use\chapter*, then LaTeX remove the chapter from the ToC. But I'm required to have those as well in the ToC. Furthermore, the headings (fancy) are not changed with\chapter*. The overall structure of the thesis is: \maketitle%% A custom one\frontmatter\tableofcontents\listoftables...
•LatexisanextensionofTeX –MacropackagestomakeTeXeasiertouse presentaionisbasedonTroyD.MilnerandSimonCuceslides)WhyUseLaTeX?•Highquality J[x(),u()] t0 F(x(t),u(t),t)dt WordLaTeX •Easytouse,especiallyfortypingmathematicalformulas•Portability(Windows,Unix,Mac...
安装插件language-latex和latex,提供 Build 和 Clean 的功能。 Visual Studio Code 安装插件LaTeX Workshop,提供 clean up Latexmk latexmk -c 其他 也可使用@Halcao提供的小脚本: 打开终端 拖入clean.sh执行 如提示 Permission Denied,请使用chmod +x空格,然后拖入clean.sh,再次拖入clean.sh执行即可。
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(1)In general, difficult to say before reading (2) You must invest time, it is hard work (3) But you can’t read all papers in depth (4) Read abstract and look at teaser figure (5) Look at impact of conference/journal (6) Top conferences are selective and have acceptance rate of...
This document is written for new graduate students at the MIT AI Laboratory. However, it may be useful to many others doing research in AI at other institutions. People even in other fields have found parts of it useful. How do I use it? Its too long to read in one sitting. Its best...