The association of exposure to asbestos with development of mesothelioma has been demonstrated in the seminal experimental work of Wagner in the 1960s [1]. In 1987, Kane and co-workers [2] observed that already a single dose of asbestos fibers damages the mesothelium tissue and stimulates rege...
The processing of raw sequences included quality checking using FastQC v.0.12.1 [30] and the trimming of adapters and low-quality reads using Trimmomatic v.0.39 [31]. Subsequently, reads were assembled using Novoplasty v.3.8.3 [32] and annotated using the GeSeq and MITOS tool automatic ...
, always include a pre-processing step in which the raw reads are quality checked, trimmed, and cleaned, allowing reads to be used in the next steps. Widely accepted external tools for this step are, for example, FastQC, Cutadapt, and Trimommatic. In the next step, these clean sRNA ...