In-text citation structure & example: (Organization Name, n.d.) (Oxford University Press, n.d.) Citing a print dictionary (whole dictionary) If an organization is both the author and publisher, cite the organization as the author and leave out the publisher information. ...
When making an in-text citation, only write the first author’s last name followed by “et. al.” This applies to both parenthetical and narrative citations. For example: (Richard et al., 2019) Richard et al. (2019) Solution #3: How to cite an article written by an organization in ...
For example, to cite Langston Hughes' poem, Dream Deferred, you would do the following: Hughes, Langston. "Dream Deferred (Harlem)." 101 Great American Poems (italicized). Ed. Andrew Carroll, et. al. Mineola, New York: Dover, 1998. 75. Print. Need help with a citation? Try ourcitatio...
How to cite an e-book in MLA format You might need to cite a digital version of a book that you accessed on your e-reader device. In this situation, you can include supplemental container information for the e-book citation. Below is an example of an e-book citation in MLA style: La...
Refer to APA, MLA, and Chicago style guidelines to determine how to cite your source. Can I edit quotations from the original article in my paraphrasing? Direct quotations should not be edited, but you can use ellipses to omit irrelevant information. If the quote includes a misspelling, ...
It is disturbingly common to encounter review articles that follow the following formula: “A et al recently found that [an excerpt from the article by A et al]. B et al showed that [an excerpt from the article by B et al]. Etc.” There are variations Examples based upon Clinical Bi...
npj Science of Learning volume 8, Article number: 17 (2023) Cite this article 1688 Accesses 1 Citations 14 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract What affects moment-to-moment motivation to read? Existing reading motivation questionnaires are trait-based and not well suited to capturing the dynamic, ...
Plating the hot potato: how to make intermediate bioenergy carriers an accelerator to a climate-neutral EuropeResearch Open access Published: 19 October 2023 Volume 13, article number 37, (2023) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access to this open access article ...
Note that in parenthetical citations, in-text citations are arranged according to the initials of the first author. Sources with multiple authors Use only the first author’s name followed by et al. If two or more sources have the same last name for the first author, differentiate them by...
Cite your sourceIn-text Citation Structure (Author Last Name Page #) Example (Bahr 6B)When citing a newspaper article found on a databaseCity: You do NOT need to include the [City] name if The city name is in the name of the newspaper. It is a national or international newspaper. ...