APA and MLA are two formatting styles that can be used to cite an Amendment to the United States Constitution in academic journals and reports.
Read on to learn to cite the amendments of the U.S. Constitution using MLA, APA, and Bluebook. It is recommended that serious writers get books on citations.
Arana, Ignacio
However, when repeated lengthy Senate vacancies began to delay thelegislative process, the House and Senate finally agreed to send the 17th Amendment requiring the direct election of senators to the states for ratification. The Amendment also established the current method of filling Senate vacancies t...
Outside-In: How International Environmental Law Shapes the EU’s Constitutional LandscapeEckes, Christina
Bazilli, Susan
How Semi- is Semi-Presidentialism? _x000d_On the Hybridization of Constitutional FormsCheibub, Jose AntonioElkins, ZacharyGinsburg, Tom
Judging Democracy: How Constitutional Courts Influence Democratic Development in Eastern EuropeSmithey, Shannon I
One Style and Size does not Fit all: How to Develop a Constitutional Convention SimulationO'Loughlin, PaulaBos, Angela
Constitutional Beginnings and Founding Violence: _x000d_Or How Does the Politics of Founding Matter?Tekin, Serdar