it’s important to note that there are two varieties of Chicago-style citations: notes and bibliography or author-date. To cite a book in Chicago style, determine which of those two
Citing a Multivolume Book One common way to cite a multivolume work in Chicago style is to cite the specific volume within the note, and the multivolume book as a whole in the bibliography. However, if you only use one specific volume of a multivolume book, you can specify the volume ...
Given the prevalence of e-books and the devices and platforms used to access them, it is likely that you may need to cite an e-book when completing a paper or project. Chicago style guidelines indicate that citations should specify if the book was consulted in an e-book format because of...
If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator. Caulfield, J. (2024, November 22). How to Cite a Book in Chicago Style | Format & Examples. Scribbr...
How to Cite a Book in Chicago Style Chicago Style citationhas two alternative styles: “author-date” and “notes and bibliography style.” Instead ofparenthetical citations, the latter uses footnotes that refer to a bibliography at the end of the text providing full source details. ...
Stoneman, R. (2008).Alexander the Great: A life in legend. Yale University Press. How to Cite a Book in Chicago Citation Style When citing a book in the Chicago Manual style, there are two options: notes and bibliography or author-date. The variation you use will typically depend on you...
To cite a movie in Chicago on the Bibliography page, follow this formula: Director's Last Name, First Name, director. Title of Movie. Studio, Year. Length. URL. In-Text Citation Rules A movie in Chicago has a simple citation format for in-text citations. The following information appears...
Popular Chicago Manual of Style Citation Guides How to cite a Book in Chicago Manual of Style How to cite a Website in Chicago Manual of Style How to cite a Journal in Chicago Manual of Style How to cite a DVD, video, or film in Chicago Manual of Style How to cite a Online image ...
Nevertheless, whichever approach you’re using, it’s vital that you know how to cite a book correctly. On ouracademic blogtoday, we run through the basics for doing this using both approaches. This post has been updated in line with the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. ...
How to Cite a PDF Maybe you need to cite an electronic version of a book, an article, a newspaper article, or a conference talk that’s been published—these can all be in the form of a PDF. We’ll cover these examples in three styles in this article: MLA, APA, and Chicago 16th...