How to Cite a TV Show in APA 2.8 (18) Citation Generator Source Type Website Search Create manual citationCreate manual citation Citing an episode from TV or radio show Structure: Writer, F.M. (Writer), & Director, F.M. (Director). (Year of airing). Episode title [Television series ...
“What should I first do todo my APA paperabout a movie in the right way?”It may seem obvious that for a movie review, you need to watch the movie. But the practice has shown that more than preparing popcorn is required to write a good movie review. Here is some advice you can fo...
As an artistic style that acts on the mind, the film has natural religious potential, and its powerful “Subject Interpellation” function means it, similar to religion, has a considerable influence on the public. Therefore, since its inception, the film industry has been widely valued by ...
41 additional participants took part in an affective priming paradigm to access the subliminal attractiveness ratings of women and robots. This was important as we aimed to investigate the immediate reaction to sex robots. To enable a comparison of the results, the two studies used the same stimul...
Background: In the rapidly shifting Canadian climate, an ageing population, and increased migration, a greater understanding of how local climate and air pollution hazards impact older adults and immigrant populations will be necessary for mitigating and adapting to adverse health impacts. Objectives: ...
The model also includes ancillary services that are delivered in a community setting by providers willing to treat government-assisted refugees. Study findings demonstrated a 30% decrease in wait times for an appointment with a healthcare provider; an 18% increase in government-assisted refugees ...