When referencing a journal article in the body of your text, use a parenthetical citation containing the authors' last names and the date of publication. For an article with three to five authors, list all authors names the first time you cite the article in your paper. For example: (Varga...
Solution #2: How to cite another text cited within a journal article If you wish to use a quote or information from an article that is cited as coming from another source, use the reference information provided to find the original source. Find the quote within the source and reference its...
To cite a website inAPA format, you must include theauthor’s name, thepublication date, thepage or article title, thewebsite’s name, and theURL,in that order. This is the basic information you use whether you’re citing a web page, blog post, online article, online video, or even ...
How to cite an interview in MLA To cite an Interview in MLA style, you need to know the name of person interviewed, interviewer’s name, year/date of interview, and title of the interview.The templates and examples below are based on theMLA Handbook, 9th edition. On this page, you can...
To cite an online newspaper in APA style, you need to have basic information including the author name, article title, newspaper title, date of publication, and URL. The templates for in-text citations and a reference list entry of an online newspaper and examples are given below: In-text...
4–5 times a week Once a day or more Below is a series of questions. Please indicate your answer to each question using the following scale: 1. Has taught you new sexual techniques? 2. Has made you less tolerant towards sex? 3. ...
Can I paraphrase information from multiple sources together? Yes, one advantage of paraphrasing is that you can combine ideas from different sources or different sections of the same source into the same sentence. However, you still need to cite each new source or location, so you may end up...
Close the quote with a second quotation mark. Type the in-text citation as needed, using parentheses to enclose the information. Somewhere in the quote, the author's last name and the page number must be indicated. This can be done by placing the author's name in the introduction to the...
Where should I provide citations when paraphrasing an article? When paraphrasing an article, you need to provide in-line citations and in your bibliography or reference list. Refer to APA, MLA, and Chicago style guidelines to determine how to cite your source. Can I edit quotations from the...
Requirements: What Should Technologies Do to Support Humans? Technologies to Support Contextualization Discussion Author Contributions Funding Data Availability Statement Acknowledgments Conflicts of Interest Appendix A Referencesshare Share announcement Help format_quote Cite question_answer Discuss in SciProfiles ...