your KPIs should be aligned, attainable, acute, accurate, actionable, and alive. In other words, you should choose indicators aligned with your goals, realistic to your current situation, easy to understand and measure
Returns on these investments are restricted to fixed returns that may not be able to beat the inflation effect. However, this is not the case in ELSS, as it invests equities with a strong potential for good returns, which can beat inflation. Also, it is the only tax-saving scheme with ...
If you have a sleek, classic color scheme and layout, you don't want a brightly colored survey adorned with Comic Sans. Website surveys can also take the form of a feedback widget or button. These usually produce more qualitative, actionable feedback, as visitors have to take a proactive...
Under this option, the investor can choose to reinvest dividends received into the same scheme. This option is favorable when the markets are doing well and are likely to continue in the same way. Upon choosing the type of ELSS fund, the investor can invest either through a lump sum amount...
Switching your EPF contribution to NPS scheme is basically trading in an investment with assured returns, for investments with varying exposure and returns (but you also get an additional tax exemption with NPS).While the return on EPF savings this year is expected to be around 8.5%, the NPS...
Understanding how to encourage & build brand loyalty could mean the difference between meeting/missing your revenue targets. Learn how here.
Along the way, there may be decision points where the user has to choose between different options. Identify these decision points and map out the possible paths the user can take. Spice it up with details Add more details to the user flow, such as the specific actions the user needs to...
If you are, keep in mind that – as a part of offering a referral scheme – you need to make clear your expectations and standards for those who participate in the program. Uber’s promotion covers key terms upfront. You’ll want to do the same, but you may want to go even a ste...
Delays of a day or two won’t matter in the grand scheme of things. The problem lies in chasing up overdue payments by 30, 90, or more days. When a business pays its suppliers for inputs on time but has to wait months for payments from the customers that received these inputs, the...
This includes your logo, color scheme, messaging, and other visuals. Your customers can get to know the real you and align their perceptions with your own. Improve your brand proposition People need to know what your brand stands for and what makes it unique compared to others. Work on ...