Is there a way I can make any nicknames out of my Japanese name or no? Like “Han” or “Mado”. deltafire12 2020年12月20日 英语(美国) My American nickname is Mo so hehe 已被注销的用户 2020年12月20日 Your first name is ムハンマド or サベハゥ?
这个在 日语 里怎么说? how do I say what's your name in Japanese 这个在 日语 里怎么说? How do you say My name is ... in Japanese? 这个在 日语 里怎么说? How do you say my name is nice in Japanese. 这个在 日语 里怎么说? how do I say my name is dhrubo in japanese? ...
This is very long for a first name (most Japanese first and names are two characters each). A solution as mentioned previously might be to use the nickname Jenny which would be three kanji. For example, one could choose ji 慈meaning “mercy”, e 恵meaning “grace (blessing)” and ni ...
how to say My name is in japanese 这个在 日语 里怎么说? how do I say my name is in japanese 这个在 日语 里怎么说? 瞩目的提问 Show more The more people I interact with, the more people I might end up hurting 这个在 日语 里怎么说? My Japanese is terrible. My goal is to be co...
How do you spell my name in Japanese? Its Trinity.查看翻译 maxheart_2005 2017年7月15日 日语 トリニティ Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需写下外语文章并让母语使用者更正!使用HiNative,免费让母语使用者帮你订正文章✍️...
soma is not cool in japanese pronunciation. sohma or souma is good .颯真 means clear wind and...
In Japanese, saying “you” can mean everything from “my beloved spouse” to “worthless piece of trash,” depending on the specific word you choose. Below is a quick guide to the meanings of five different ways to say “you” in Japanese so that you do not end up on the wrong side...
I would like you to answer the question about my name with your own free sensibility. I would ask you to think about how you would feel if you were a person who studied Japanese but did not understand Japanese. この名前の音の響きをどう思いますか?
Therefore, when you learn to distinguish between small sounds, right, listen. You will automatically understand spoken English more easily. In this part you will hear 20 words that are commonly used in business English. Listen and choose the words that you hear. In this part, you will hear ...