Going through a nonprofit credit counseling agency is a good way to find an affordable debt management plan. If your credit card debt is more than 40% of your income and can’t be repaid within five years, bankruptcy may be a better option than a debt management plan. Pros Fixed monthly...
How Debt Affects Your Mental Health and Ways to Cope: Paying off debt can be a long-term endeavor if you have steep high-interest balances. But it’s important to keep things in perspective and take care of your health. What Is Auto Loan Refinancing?: Understand how refinancing your auto...
Bankruptcy:While it should be considered as a last resort, filing for bankruptcy may provide temporary relief by halting foreclosure proceedings and allowing homeowners to reorganize their debts. Bankruptcy laws and eligibility criteria vary, so consulting a bankruptcy attorney is essential. Economic Facto...
How to Change Your Name What is a DBA? Most Profitable Small Business Ideas What Is a Registered Agent? How to Conduct a Trademark Search What is the Divorce Process? How to Find Out if a Business Name is Taken? What is an Affidavit?
Selling the home may protect the homeowner from bankruptcy A homeowner may be able to buy an affordable home after the sale Cons Selling during pre-foreclosure may not be easy Failure to make up past due payments can lead to foreclosure ...
If you received the cancelled debt due to bankruptcy filing. To the extent you are insolvent immediately before the cancellation of the debt. Insolvency means your debts exceed the value of all your assets. You can exclude cancelled debt from income up to the amount that you are ins...
Bankruptcy Discharge Many people falsely believe that student loans cannot be discharged inbankruptcy. The fact is, borrowers may be eligible to have their student loans discharged in bankruptcy - but it's rare. You will have to prove to the judge that repaying your loans would be an undue ...
A pro se filing means that you file for bankruptcy without a lawyer. You may choose to do this if your case is very simple. A paralegal may be able help you complete the forms and do the calculations needed for the filing for much less than a lawyer would charge. ...
“An advantage for banks is their ability to raise capital through sales of stock and other means which can make it easier for them to grow, expand and invest in large branch networks,” says Sultemeier. How to choose between the two When choosing a financial institution, the “right”...
It’s also possible to use bankruptcy to erase student loan debt and older tax debt, but can be difficult. » MORE: The types of bankruptcy and how to choose the right one Decide if you want to pursue debt settlement Under debt settlement, a creditor agrees to accept less than the ...