Initial filing of trademark application Several important decisions need to made before filing a trademark application. Will you apply for theword mark or design mark? If you file for a design mark such as a stylized logo, should you file in black-and-white or color? Will the filing basis ...
Filing a trademark application is a legal process that needs to be handled carefully. We recommend hiring a lawyer to help you apply for the trademark. You can also use online legal service providers likeCorpNetorLegalZoom, which provide legal services to small businesses and individuals at a lo...
Why is it Important to Choose the Right Trademark Class? When applying for your trademark registration, it’s important you identify and file the correct trademark class of goods or services. Filing the wrong class could prevent you from enforcing your trademark rights should someone infringe them...
Is Registering a Business Name Different From Filing a Trademark? There's a short answer and a long answer to this question. Let's start with the short answer. The business name is simply that, a name, a way to identify a business, entity, or individual. Due to the potential value of...
Learn about the trademark registration process, types and benefits of trademarks, and how trademarks help protect your brand and intellectual property rights.
Learn all about registering a trademark and business name for your ecommerce business in the United States.
Here’s what you need to knowbefore you choose an agent. What is a registered agent? Simply put, a registered agent is a person or service designated to receive mail for a business entity. A registered agent ensures that your business doesn't miss important paperwork like lawsuits, tax noti...
Thinking about using a third-party registered agent service? Read on to find out how to choose the right registered agent for your business.
What do you need to start a business? How to Start a Business How to Make a Business Plan How to Decide on a Company Name How to Choose an Ownership Structure How to Register Your Business How to Comply With Legal Requirements How to Find Funding for Your New Business How to Create a...
Strong Trademark Types: Fanciful trademarksare made-up words. The word holds no other meaning aside from its relation to the good or service the business provides. Think about it this way: If you look up the word ‘Adidas’ in the dictionary, it doesn’t exist. That’s because the sneake...