Discover the essentials of creating a strong password in our comprehensive guide. Learn how to choose secure and memorable passwords that protect your accounts from hackers and safeguard your digital identity. Unlock the secrets to picking powerful passw
I had an interesting problem the other day. I got to work and needed to fix a colleague´s office computer. She was supposed to leave the machine logged on for me, but when I sat down in front of it, I was confronted by a big, blank, locked screen. And what is more, the comp...
A strong password is the main barrier keeping most of your online accounts from being hacked. Without up to date practices, you might be using passwords that cyber-frauds can easily guess within hours. Exposing yourself to identity theft and extortion is a risk you should never take. You will...
Discover how to create strong, unique passwords. Learn why it's crucial for businesses and individuals to adopt this practice and how to make it easier to manage. Protect yourself from cybercriminals with this essential guide to password strength.
Strong passwords help prevent unauthorized people from accessing files, programs, and other resources, and should be difficult to guess or crack. A good password: Is at least eight characters long Doesn't contain your user name, real name, or company name ...
With the use of a password manager, you can easily save yourself from the hassle of having to generate, remember and handle strong passwords.
“Hackers can easily break into many accounts(账户) just by trying common passwords again and again ” said Morgan Slain CEO of Splash Data. How can you make a strong password? It should be eight characters or more with a mix of letters numbers and symbols. One way to create a long ...
For data security, you must hope to create a strong password that's easy to remember. Here are two ways to create a strong and easy to remember password.
Help yourself remember your new passphrase by building a story out of the words you choose. Think of something you won’t forget, so you won’t have torecover your lost passwords. To make your password even stronger, add characters (other than underscores) between the words. You can also...
characters in a senseless way. I am sure you wouldn’t remember them next time when you try to log in. So create one by yourself. Create one with words that you font of — that you remember without noting it anywhere. But make sure the password is strong enough to withstand a cyber ...