How to read a pump curve correctly to understand the terms used, its function, the variables displayed, and ensure a pump’s efficiency and performance.
How to read a pump performance curve remains a topic of great interest across the food, dairy, beverage, and pharmaceutical processing industries, so in this post we provide important information on two of our most popular styles — Centrifugal and Positive Displacement. A pump performance curve ...
The vertical scale on the main curve is always differential head. Differential Head, often referred to as “Head” or “Total Dynamic Head”, is a universal method of quantifying the pressure the pump is capable of developing. Since pressure is relative to the process fluid density, virtually ...
Each manufacturer performs a series of tests at the factory to collect this data. Each curve varies from pump to pump which means you cannot rely on a different pump’s performance curve, even if you share the same motor. In addition to the horsepower of the motor, the size and shape of...
How to choose a backing vacuum pump based on pressure ranges If the high vacuum pump is to be used for pumping of vapors between 10-3 and 10-2 mbar, then a backing pump offering a nominal pumping speed of 12 m3/h must be used, which in any case must have a pumping speed of 9...
This trick seems to give good values, thanks! However, is there a way for me to export the interpolated pump curve from the simscape block to Matlab in order overlap the two plots? Here are the pump plots. I want to export the head curve, efficiency curve and...
I have tried 5 penis pumps to improve my erection and increase my penis size. Learn these pumps, their features, and their technology. How to choose the best one for yourself?
Pump your legs upon riding on the ramps Experience increasing speed Table of Contents What You Will Need Steps to Pump on a Skateboard Step 1: Drop in on your skateboard Step 2: Gliding Step 3: Pumping Step 4: Head in the middle
How to Choose a Mattress for Back Pain There are myriad potential causes of back pain, but an unsupportive mattress is one factor that should not be underestimated. In people without back problems, proper support may prevent pain from arising, and in people who already have back issues, the ...
to mount the fender you choose. Some models mount directly to your seat post or frame tubes without much hardware, while some require removing the brakes and attaching a bracket under the calipers. Frames with cast or braze-on fittings for the fender supports are helpful in mounting fenders. ...