To start a chess game, you have 8 pawns for you, and 8 pawns for your opponent. Set up the pawns on thesecond ranks(or rows) of the chess board. From edge to edge, the pawns fill the entire rank where they start. You cannot place the pawns on any other rank which doesn’t matc...
One other special chess rule is calledcastling. This move allows you to do two important things all in one move: get your king to safety (hopefully), and get your rook out of the corner and into the game. On a player's turn he may move his king two squares over to one side and ...
If you have a chess set and want to start a game, the first thing you need to do is get the board set up correctly. Lay out the light square in the bottom-right corner Set up the pawns on the second rank Put your rooks in the corners Place your knights next to the rooks Bishops...
Chess tournaments are a fun group activity and there are a few entrepreneurs that organize chess tournaments full-time. You will want to organize your chess tournament using the Swiss system or round-robin tournament style. The key is how many players you will have participate and how long you...
所属专辑:PrimaryChess 声音简介 #2 Moving the pieces So you know how to set up a chess board. Great Well now we need to learn how each of the different pieces is allowed to move. Let's clear…the board. Let's start with the easy ones A rook And now. Let's put a rook on the...
Right so we're nearly ready to start a game. We know how to set up aboard. And we know how the pieces move. Now we take it in turns to move one piece at a time. And in chess white always goes first. Your pawn can move two squares on its first move but it doesn't have to...
Chess is the most widely played board game of all time. Since ancient times, players have devised countless strategies and tips for outsmarting your opponent. So how exactly do you play Chess? Well, it’s never too late to learn! Let’s start with the basics. ...
Still recalling the olden times when you played chess with your grandpa in your younger years? Well, fret not, as board games always rise to the top and are always ‘in’ things to enjoy in your times. Broad game demands rose mainly after the global lockdown, during which people were bo...
Chessdates back to the sixth century CE, but it’s still among the world’s most played games. The magic of thisclassic board gameis that getting started is dead simple, but the strategy gets as complex and deep as you want. Chess is just as much akids’ board gameas it is a chall...
Are you a board game fiend? Then join other board-gaming enthusiasts in Board Game World, where you can get answers on how to play Guess Who?, Scrabble, Monopoly, Chess, and other popular (and unpopular) board games. If you have any questions, like the