When you check your website traffic with Google Analytics, you’ll learn how your visitors found you. Whether they clicked on your site through Google search, social media, or another channel, you can use the data to make impactful decisions to help you grow your traffic. ...
So, what’s the best way to keep track of your Google traffic? In this post, we’ll explain how to check traffic using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. We’ll also cover how you can measure the amount of traffic your competitors get from Google. But first, why is tracking y...
I wanted to check the accuracy of referral traffic in Google Analytics. Once in a while, a client asks our support team about it. While the documentation of Google Analytics is somehow clear, I wanted to get some first-hand experience to see what could cause referrals that are not visible ...
So, in this guide, we will show you how to check website traffic for any site using various online tools. Website Traffic Tool Comparison Chart If you are in a hurry, then you can use this comparison table to quickly see which tools match your needs and budget. #Tool NameBest For...
Additionally, you will learn how touse a feature called Advanced Segmentstosegment your social media trafficandsee how those visitors behave on your site. Getting Started With Google Analytics Before we dive into this, I want to make sure that youuse the latest version of Google Analytics. ...
From that moment, your Google Analytics 4 will start automatically tracking the events.Use DebugViewto check if everything is captured properly. But what if you want to track clicks on other elements (that are not file or outbound links)? Well, let’s move to the next chapter. ...
Wondering if Google Analytics is set up and working properly on your website? Here’s how to check if Google Analytics is working in five different ways.
Search “Referral” to filter only by the referral traffic. Due to increased browser privacy protections, you can only see the domain of the 3rd party site, not the entire URL. If you want a more permanent method to see this data, check out my article onhow to find referral traffic data...
Logging into your Google Analytics account might seem like a simple task, but I’ve found that even experienced website owners sometimes get stuck with the login process. Whether you’re trying to check your traffic numbers, analyze user behavior, or track conversions, the first step is always...
You do not need to enter the entire HTML snippet from Google, only the UA account number associated with your site in Analytics. No HTML code should be placed in this field or anywhere on your website. Check theEnable Google Analyticsbox. ...