At the heart of the DRV8825 driver, you will find a chip made by Texas Instruments: the DRV8825 Stepper Motor Controller IC. This integrated motor driver makes interfacing with a microcontroller super easy as you only need two pins to control both the speed and the direction of the stepper ...
To drive stepper motors you need some sort of driver. Some popular choices are a4988 and drv8825 for small motors like nema 14 or 17, but should not be used with more powerful motors like nema23 and higher. Its a good idea to stay clear of the easy drivers. To connect your motor dr...
Simply connect the full length of the wire to the inverter, check for a properly sealed end or that there is at least no short or wire poking out. In my case the inverter runs on 3V but I used my lab power supply instead of batteries to check the power consumption in one go. If a...
We also learned the basics of components such as resistors, capacitors, and how to use a multimeter to measure voltage, resistance, continuity and more. I definitely understood why it takes a week to wrap your head around a PCB layout tool such as KiCad. There are a lot of steps in the...
The generator (Stepper Motor) should be bolted to the box (Part-E) as shown in the image. For this, 4 M3 screws declared in the list of components are necessary. The generator cables should protrude to the rear. With the help of a multimeter in the electrical resistance measurement positi...