In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to see your computer specs so you can become more familiar with your PC and knowwhen to upgrade it yourselfin the future. It’s a lot easier than it seems. How to check your PC specs on Windows 10 There are a few ways to see your compu...
Windows 10 includes a more robust tool called System Information that can get you more detailed specification information. In order to open the System Information tool: Open your Start Menu Type/Search for “System Information” Click the “System Information” app result to open it ...
Note: If you want to check whether the installed drive is SSD, type and search[Defragment and Optimize Drives]in the Windows search bar⑧, then click[Open]⑨. (The left-side search illustration below is in Windows 11, and the right-side is Windows 10.) You will be able to check whic...
⚠️Please note:The process described below is the same in Windows 11 as it is in Windows 10. However, bear in mind that we’ll be using screenshots from Windows 10, so your UI may look a little different. We’ll point out any changes you need to be aware of as they come up....
To check if you have Windows S Mode enabled, go to Start > Settings > System. Then scroll down and click About. Check the Windows specification section to see which Windows edition you have installed. Open the Windows Start Menu. You can do this by clicking the button with the Windows lo...
1. Check the specifications To check the specifications of AiCloud supported by your ASUS router, please go to the product specification page of the ASUS official website. 2. Check the ASUS router firmware version Please make sure the firmware version of your ASUS router is up to date. For...
Once you have identified your Intel graphics product, seehow to install the latest drivers on Windows® 10 and 11*. For older Windows versions, see the following: How Do I Identify My Intel® Graphics Controller in Windows 8*/8.1*?
How to check RAM specs in Windows 11 Task Manager The above method is great if all you need to know is total memory capacity, but there are times when more information is required. The Windows 11 Task Manager can give you a bit more information about the RAM in your PC, which can pai...
Windows specifications. That's what we want. You need to check the "System type" of the "Device specification". If it goes like "32-bit operating system, x64-based processor", that means your PC is able to run a 64-bit OS. Otherwise you need to give up the upgrade. Finally, ...
Please select [Start backup] to start to create a system image⑦. It will take a while, and it depends on your device specification and the size of system image. In this example, it may take 1 hour to back up the system image of 63 GB disk space. Note: Please make sure the AC ...