Checking the Disk Space from the Terminal There are many useful commands for checking the disk space from the terminal. In this section, we will discuss the df and du commands. Using the df command to check the disk space: The df (Disk Filesystem) command comes pre-installed on Ubuntu 20...
Using the Terminal to Check Disk Space on Ubuntu To check the disk space on Ubuntu using the terminal, we will utilize the df command. The “df” stands for “disk free” and is a standard Unix utility used for checking the available disk space on a file system. In the following sectio...
Ubuntu Disk Usage Analyzer There are quite a few ways to check the hard drive disk space in Ubuntu. Lets look at the most popular ones. 1) Using GUI in Gnome – Just go toApplications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analyzer. Open it and it will show you used and free disk space. Easy,...
/dev/loop: These are loop devices. You’ll see plenty of them while checking disk space in Ubuntu because of snap applications. Loops are virtual devices that allow normal files to be accessed as block devices. With the loop devices, snap applications are sandboxed in their own virtual disk....
Check Disk Space In Ubuntu Terminal The “df” command is for “disk filesystem” and is a great tool to know about the disk space usage on Linux Systems. The df command displays the amount of disk space available on the file system. ...
A Linux system (this tutorial usesUbuntu 22.04). Access to the terminal. A user account withsudoorrootprivileges. Disk Space Check in Linux: 5 Methods Performing disk space checks in Linux ensures enough storage is available for system operations and application usage. The following text presents...
Run the following commands in Terminal to install SpaceView on Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 14.04 Systems. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vlijm/spaceview sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install spaceview Once installed, open the SpaceView indicator from Ubuntu Dash or Termi...
Checking Disk Space on Linux Using Terminal Commands Overseeing disk space usage in most operating systems is simple, with just one tool to rule them all. Things aren’t so cut and dry in Linux, as there are four different terminal commands to guide and assist with this requirement. That’...
See how to check disk space in Linux using two simple methods that list disk space details in the terminal. Run these commands before installing or upgrading.
How to Check Disk Space on Ubuntu How to Install and Configure NordVPN on Ubuntu How to Shut Down Ubuntu Using the Terminal How to change DNS settings on Ubuntu Learn how to Copy Files on Ubuntu using the Terminal How to get your IP Address on UbuntuLeave...