The bearing is at the heart of all rotating equipment, and the condition of the bearing often reflects how well a machine is running. Sometimes, however, bearings fail. In these cases, what’s the first thing you should do? Get a basic understanding to assess simple failure situations Beari...
So, not facing outwards, but always with the spring facing the side of the medium to be sealed. The oil seal must then be pressed into the bore. Use appropriate tools, such as a bearing fitting tool set, to ensure that this is done evenly. The oil seal must never be forcefully ...
轴承是所有旋转设备的核心,而轴承的状态通常都反映出设备的运行情况。 然而,有的时候轴承也会失效。 在这些情况下,您首先应该做什么? 对评估简单的失效情况有基本的了解 很多原因都可能造成轴承的损坏。 不对中、不平衡、松动和摩擦等问题都会通过轴承表现出来,有时候就会导致失效。 而且轴承通常是最重要的设备部件,...
Mounted ball bearings, sometimes referred to as flanged housed units, are a type of rolling element bearing that use balls as the rolling and load carrying elements. They consist of an inner and outer race which contain the balls, with the bearing assembled into a housing or mounting unit for...
which we love. However, if you have money burning a hole in your pocket you might want to check outPetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher. We don’t personally own one, but we did see an adorable Golden Retriever demoing the launcher at a conference we attended recently....
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2008 年起,黑色氧化轴承的销售量显著提高。这让 SKF 得以在风电应用中的黑色氧化轴承方面积累了 7 年多丰富的现场经验,远远超过了过早失效轴承的典型失效时间。 黑色氧化轴承已广泛用于圆柱滚子轴承(尽管其可用于所有轴承类型),风电齿轮箱所有位置这种轴承,此外,各种尺寸均有供应,适用于所有尺寸的风电机组。
其中一个例子便是夹杂物,是所有轴承钢的自然组成部分。 20世纪60年代有了滚动接触疲劳轴承中出现白蚀裂纹的报告(请参阅SKF在20世纪80年代的文献, 图 3)。大中型失效轴承的后期调查(来自高加速寿命测试或耐久性测试)已经证实扩散的不规则白蚀裂纹网的出现是滚动接触疲劳轴承附带产生的结果。
大型工业齿轮箱或传动系统应用(如造纸厂、磨碎机齿轮箱、起重齿轮驱动)中的轴承,尤其是风电涡轮机齿轮箱中的轴承,通常需要面对各种运行条件,在这些特定的运行情况下可能超出它们的承受范围。 这可能导致轴承失效,从而导致我们通常所称的白色腐蚀裂纹,有时也称为白色结构剥落。
The bearing is at the heart of all rotating equipment, and the condition of the bearing often reflects how well a machine is running. Sometimes, however, bearings fail. In these cases, what’s the first thing you should do? Get a basic understanding to assess simple failure situations ...