Check Your Journal Indexed in Scopus or Not ->Search Now This is an article about how to identify Scopus indexed journals. It discusses what Scopus is and the difference between SCI, SCIE, and SCImago journals. It also details steps to follow to find if a journal is indexed in Scopus. F...
Collecting and reading relevant research articles to one’s research areas is important for PhD scholars. However, downloading a research paper is one of the most difficult tasks for any research scholar. You must pay for access to high-quality research materials or subscribe to the journal or p...
He also belongs to the editorial boards of “International Journal of Production Research” and “International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research”. Anne Mayere is Professor in Information and Communication Sciences, University of Toulouse 3, and member of the research laboratory CERTOP, ...
Checkpastissuesofthejournal.Checkpastissuesofthejournal. HowmanyChinesenamescanyouHowmanyChinesenamescanyou find?find? Preferencesareknown;biasesarePreferencesareknown;biasesare difficulttodetect.difficulttodetect. PracticePractice PickjournalslikeyoupickstocksPickjournalslikeyoupickstocks ...
However, it is not always clear how much tolerance should be excercised. Sometimes, it is necessary to reject news reports. Sometimes, it is necessary to resolve some of the inconsistencies in the news report. At other times, news reports are accepted with inconsistencies, but treated with ...
I'm not sure what you mean by checking the "terms" of a journal.If I have understood your questions correctly, you wish to check if your target journal is indexed in an indexing database such as Scopus, ISI, or Scimago. To check if your manuscript is indexed in the ISI Web o...
But later I found that my University gives preference to Scopus-Indexed journals. How can I cancel the previous submission (the paper has not been published), and how can I submit to another Scopus-Indexed journal? publications journals paper-submission scopus Share Improv...
From my experience, usually 2 or 3 reviewers are assigned to review each journal papers. In top journals, the reviewers may be expert on your topic. In journals that are not top journals, reviewers may not be very familiar with your topic but may still be good researchers. ...
Besides, ecosystem is not valued unless it benefits to whole or parts of the society, be it local or non-local benefit, or for the individuals or groups of the society (Dawson and Martin, 2015; Howe et al., 2014). The utility function of the ES is hence another important consideration...
In brief, blocking Ca+2 channels or related proteins will not destroy glioma stem cells, but it will magnify the knowledge of how these cells could use ca+2 signaling pathways to acquire some aggressiveness. 5. Ca2+ signaling and hypoxia interplay in GBM Hypoxia is a common feature of solid...