deployment.apps"sccnginx"createdservice"sccnginx"created -->Success Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one ormoreof the commands below:'oc expose service/sccnginx'Run'oc status'to view your app. Next, verify the status of the pod: $ oc g...
To update a test case execution status through API, its execution type should be “Automated”. Changing the test case execution type to Automated: Note:If you are following this remote status update practice, you can update the execution type to Automated while creating the test cases themselves...
When hybris storefront is queried using a HEAD request, it throws a ‘500 Internal Server Error’. The customer have our CDN (CloudFront) calling hybis using HEAD protocol to determine cache headers, so a 500 error is not yielding the desired results. GET is working properly but GET can't...
The Winsock is a Windows interface that deals with how network input/output requests are handled. It can sometimes hold incorrect and corrupted logs, which interferes with its ability to communicate with the update servers. Resetting the Winsock catalog will refresh it into default values. You can...
Utils library provides a standard and optimized design to help avoid re-invent the wheels. They are in L1/include/xf_utils_hw. Software utilities are commonly used functions in Vitis host design. They are pure C++ design and contains log and error printing functions that help unify testing. ...
(17219): GCTARBRIDGE bridges 56 objects 62 opaque 0 colors 56 colors-bridged 56 colors-visible 56 xref 0 cache-hit 0 cache-semihit 0 cache-miss 0 setup 0.05ms tarjan 0.04ms scc-setup 0.05ms gather-xref 0.00ms xref-setup 0.00ms cleanup 0.07ms D/Mono (17219): GCBRIDGE: Complet...
1. Check Your Internet Connection If you aren't able to download Windows updates, check your internet connection first. Chances are that a slow or unstable internet connection is causing this error. To test your connection, try accessing other websites in your browser. If you have a fine int...
Optional. In some cases, you’ll need to install/reinstall the version of Windows Update Agent (WUA). You can check the current Windows Update Agent Wuaueng.dll file version on your computer with PowerShell: ((Get-Item $Env:windir\system32\Wuaueng.dll).VersionInfo).ProductVersion ...
Again, we need to delete all occurrences of\n. 2.5. Check the order of certificates What order? A certificate has to be issued (signed) by somebody. This somebody has to be trustworthy, otherwise nobody would trust the certificate.
Check yourtime and datesettings. InstallFortectand run a full scan with it to resolve underlying Windows issues that could cause the error. If none of these methods helped, please refer to the following fixes. Method 1. Download the missing KB package ...