1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点
1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点
We made a RFC call from SAP r3 to sap grc nfe...we did not receive any data in sap grc ...we go to SM58 and there it gives the message "Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)u201D. How can i find out where the data has stuck. Please help. BR Honey Reply 1 ACCEPTED...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I need all your help on the below issue. I need to automate a screen flow in abap (SM59). Inside the Transaction SM59, i have to change the RFC destination SAPOSS Msg server first and then check whether the Connection Test succeeds or fails by clickin...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, You cannot straight away debug the RFC function module in ECC from SRM, as we usually debug other FM's. 1) In case you want to do so, make sure that the "User" being used for RFC call i.e. User ID used for establishing the RFC destinati...
how to specify PACKAGE SIZE for to RFC_READ_TABLE from PyRFC? Go to solution Former Member on 2014 Jun 11 0 Kudos 1,439 SAP Managed Tags: NW ABAP Remote Function Call (RFC) I'm trying to use PyRFC to extract large tables via RFC_READ_TABLE (due to an uncooperative/...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, RFC enabled FM are the FM with two difference. 1. The RFC enabled checkbox in attributes is checkecd. 2. Pass by Value is checked for all import/export/changing whichever you are using are selected. Check thsi for creating FM. http://help.sap.co...
So we can use RFC_READ_TABLE very comfortable, and the length problem is reduced. At first I load from data dictionary the field names, length etc. into an array. The array is sorted by the position of the fields, on this way we get an exact copy of the SAP table. In the next ...
Is there a way to install SAP NW RFC on cloud foundary and use node-rfc npm packagemtolksdorf commented May 19, 2020 NW RFC Library cannot be used in the context of SAP CP Cloud Foundry. The respective functionality needed to consume a Cloud Connector tunnel is not offered with NW RFC...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP Customer Relationship Management Hi, I am debugging a program, in between a RFC fucntion module is called with destination. I am unable to debug this function module (The processor is not going inside the FM). How to do it? I am using ECC6.0 Tha...