Official ladderEloGXEGlicko-1 gen5ou1217(more games needed) gen6ou1180(more games needed) gen7ou1500(more games needed) gen7randombattle149676.6%1727± 71 gen8ou1441(more games needed) gen8randombattle1418(more games needed) gen9almostanyability134867.2%1639± 79 ...
【战术贴】How t..什麼样才是一个好的队伍?其实如果直接简单来说,能长胜并达到高分就算是一个好队伍了,当然不包括其他特别队伍。一个好的队伍通常会有扫钉手跟放钉手,钉子这种东西已经是非常广泛并让人都会联想到的一种配置。通常
Pokemon Showdown Team: If you are ready to play the Pokemon showdown than you, first of all, you need to build a Team having good Pokemon. So for a great battle with your competitors, you should team up with good pokemon. These crazy pokemon showdown teams enable you to win and here...