IBM SupportHow to query PostgreSQL data source using Federation Server through JDBC driver Share your feedback
so I would prefer not to dive into PL/PGSQL as that would require more folks from our shop to also become acquainted with the language in order to support the script. Again, simplicity is the motivation here.
] Note: I'm using TypeOrm with Postgresql company (idintegerprimarykey, namevarchar(50));createtableusers (idintegerprimarykey, namevarchar(50));createtableuser_company (useridintegernotnull, companyidintegernotnull);insertintocompany (id, name)values(1,'Apple'), (3,'My Apple');insertintous...
Many times users are only interested in either the first so many records returned from a query or a range of records returned from a query. PostgreSQL provides a mechanism for limiting query results using the limit and / or offset SQL syntax. Listed below are examples of SQL select queries ...
PostgreSQL 8.3.1 on i486-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC cc (GCC) 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu4) [*] Auxiliary module execution completed But we can set this option to any valid SQL code we want. For instance, the following query will return the username and password of the current ...
To query the ARRAY data in Postgres, the SELECT statement is used. Postgres allows us to query the data of an entire array or a specific array index.
PostgreSQL generates event logs that contain useful information. SQL query failures, failed login attempts, and deadlocks are captured in the logs by default. These error messages can help identify various application issues. For example, if you converted a legacy application from...
PostgreSQL facilitates us with numerous date and time functions, such as CURRENT_DATE, NOW(), EXTRACT(), etc. These functions allow us to work with the date and time efficiently. In PostgreSQL, different built-in functions are used along with the SELECT statement to query date and time value...
When I run the above query, I get the below error SQL Error [42803]: ERROR: column "my_select.AnchorNode" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function Position: 187 I also tried various PostgreSQL aggregate functions, but they also give...
I figured it out after stitching together a few other questions on Stack Exchange, mainly this one: How to get particular object from jsonb array in PostgreSQL? select origin.value->>'partnerName' as OriginPartner, destination.value->>'partnerName' as DestinationPartner from...