Before you try out the recommendations below, be sure to check that your watch and phone's software and related apps are updated to the latest versions. What is the Blood Pressure app for? The blood pressure app determines the systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate. It provides...
Many detectors have an electronic pinpoint function built in. Using a concentric searchcoil makes it easier to pinpoint effectively, but a DD coil will require some practice. The idea is to sweep slow, low, and parallel to ground with a space of about 1-2”. Once you’ve hit metal, s...
A DIY Approach to Calculating Customer Lifetime Value If you want to forecast customer lifetime value yourself (without using a sophisticated application such as Optimove), check out our blog post, DIY Hack: How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value Using Excel. The Optimove Approach to Calculating...
Better check to see how it affects your NPS through on-site or in-app surveys.Your NPS score will help you segment your users into three distinct categories based on their level of satisfaction with the changes.Promoters- Loyal and enthusiastic customers who score either 9 or 10. Passives-...
More than ever, delivering a personalized experience to HCPs via content tailored specifically to their in-the-moment needs is fundamental to your brand’s success. And PulsePoint’s HCP365 Identification Solution is the tool you need to do it. HCP365 is your ace in the hole for trul...
You pulse is irregular. Your heart doesn’t lie. Da-Hae turns bright red. Yon-Kyo is speechless, either appalled or in awe. KI-WOO (CONT’D) What are you supposed to do in a test? You move forward. You need to seize the flow. The rhythm. If not, you’re screwed. I ...
TL;DR version: How do I count pulses with programmable digital and use the count to shut off 5 PWMs. The count to shut off and the frequency of the PWMs would have to be set in software for each iteration.I'm trying to figure out a good way to use pro...
“I got feedback about the quote that was delivered from the client. They said it missed out details from the cost breakdown. I wanted to check in with you on what happened, and whether you’d like to get together to plan the next steps?” ...
Action Step:At your next social event, make a point of telling people why you are there and what you are looking for. Something like: “I’m excited to meet you because I was hoping to make some really interesting connections at this event.” ...
Alternatively, check if Do Not Disturb is activated and switch it on and off. Are you unable to scroll across on your Fitbit’s screen? There’s no known fix for this issue yet, but we suggest a hard restart. If this doesn’t work, a reset might be in order. ...