1. Log in to the postgres prompt as a user that has the appropriate privileges for creating a database. We will log in aspostgres: sudo su - postgres psql 2. Use the following syntax to create a database: CREATE DATABASE [dbname]; Replace[dbname]with the database name. For example: ...
[root@Linuxhelp ~]# sudo -u postgres psqlcould not change directory to "/root": Permission denied psql (15.3) Type "help" for help.postgres=# create user linuxhelp with password 'Linux@123';CREATE ROLEpostgres=# create database linuxhelp_db;CREATE DATABASEpostgres=# grant all privileges o...
psql -U [user_name] -d [db_name] Different Methods to Configure PostgreSQL in Linux Configuration is supposed to be easy and efficient. Sometimes, while trying to connect as a user to PSQL, we might need to always mention the PATH first, then form the connection. This can be made sim...
If the database is password protected,psqlprompts for the password. You can now use standardpsqlcommands to manage the database. Note:The PostgreSQL server usesport5432by default. If your server is configured to use a custom port, add the-p [port]option to the psql command to specify thep...
psql Connecting to PostgreSQL Finally, read through these related articles about the PostgreSQL database management system: You might also like: How to Backup and Restore a PostgreSQL Database in Linux 10 Useful Websites for Learning PostgreSQL Database System ...
To check the installed PostgreSQL version, execute the following command: sudo psql --version You should receive the following output: root@host:~# sudo psql --version psql (PostgreSQL) 14.3 (Ubuntu 14.3-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) Step 3. Configure PostgreSQL ...
8. Connect to PostgreSQL Now connect to the database cluster and create a database by using the following commands. psql -p 5432postgres=#create database test;postgres=#\l to list all databases in clusterpostgres=#\q to quit form postgres console ...
Let’s check if the data checksum is enabled or not by running the below-given command: psql--tuples-only -c"SHOW data_checksums" The output shows that the checksum is not enabled yet: To initialize the data directory with checksum enabled, all you need to do is run the following comma...
We can also check the installed version of PostgreSQL by running this command. # psql --version You should see this as the output. psql (PostgreSQL) 15.3 (Debian 15.3-0+deb12u1) Method 2 Most Linux distributions ship PostgreSQL in their repository. However, the included PostgreSQL version is...
Finally, check the PostgreSQL version using the psql command line utility: $ psql --version Here, we can see that the version of PostgreSQL is 16. 3) Update PostgreSQL Admin User Password By default, we can connect to the PostgreSQL server without using any password. Let’s see this in ...