Once the Ubuntu Software app is opened, click on the “Installed” tab and you will see a list of all the installed packages: The above-given image shows a list of all installed packages in our Ubuntu 22.04 system. Now, let’s check out the command-line method of listing the installed ...
Note: The numbers 500 (and 100) are called priority numbers. For additional information you can run man apt_preferences in which it is mentioned that 500 corresponds to installable whereas 100 means installed. Read:Must-do Things After Installing Ubuntu 18.04 Once the package has been installed,...
Most software or application in Ubuntu, does not come as one package and it depends on other packages to work as intended. These supporting packages are called dependency packages as they are required for the proper working of the software. Usually, the package manager in your system automaticall...
In this article, we will explore the importance of package management and provide a comprehensive guide on how to check whether a package is installed using a package manager in Linux systems. 1. Using APT and DPKG (Debian) OnDebian-based systemssuch asUbuntuandLinux Mint, theAPT(Advanced Pa...
Check whether a specific package is installed in Ubuntu Since the list of installed packages is a huge one, it would be a better idea to use grep and filter the output for a certain package. apt list --installed | grep program_name ...
In the Ubuntu system, installing the packages using the command-line is popular among beginners as it seems quite easy. There are various ways to get the dependencies of a package in Ubuntu 20.04. While installing software packages in the Linux operating
Uninstall Package in Ubuntu Once done, you’ll receive a notification confirming the successful removal of the package. Uninstalling Recently Installed Packages Using CLI If you prefer to use the command line, you can also uninstall or remove recently-installed packages onUbuntuby following below thes...
Make sure that you replace “[PACKAGENAME]” with the name of the package you want to check the status of. Example of Listing a Specific Packages Installed Status To show you how this works, let us list if a specific package is installed on Ubuntu. ...
apt-file may not be installed on your system. To install it in Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and other Debian-based or Ubuntu-based Linux distributions, use this command: sudo apt install apt-file This tool find the files belonging to a package by using a database, which needs to be updat...
Ubuntu version 14.04 and later comes with the apt package management system. In these versions, you can use the apt command-line utility to list the software packages installed on your system.Use Terminal to execute the Linux commands in a local system. For a remote machine like a VPS, you...