There are multiple Linux commands that we can use to shed light on what OS version we are running in Linux. Check out some of the commands below. 1. The lsb_release Command Run thelsb_releasecommand with the-aoption to check what Linux distribution and version your system is running. lsb...
Find Linux OS Information hostnamectl Command Thehostnamectl commandis a systemd utility that is used to get the Linux operating system information and also used to change or set the system hostname. $ hostnamectl Check Linux System Info I’ve used thetmux terminal multiplexerfor accessing mult...
Once installed, use the command below to check your Linux OS version: $lsb_release -a Your system will display an output similar to the one in the image below. It will display the LSB info particular to your Linux distribution, including your Linux system version, which in our case is De...
The lshw utility has both commandline and graphical interface. It comes pre-installed on most Linux distributions. If it is not installed for any reason, you can install lshw on your machine using the default package manager. For example, run the following command to install lshw on Debian, ...
Now, we are going to implement another technique to check the filesystem type which is “findmnt” statements in Linux. In the findmnt statement, it will show all the mounted filesystems in the device. Step: 01 The “findmnt” statement returns the target, source, and fstype which means ...
How to check CPU and RAM usage using the System Monitor Some Linux distributions, like Ubuntu, come with a built-in graphical monitoring tool called the System Monitor, which is similar to the Task Manager you get on Windows. It's just a simple application that you can use to monitor task...
This detailed guide will explain how to check the Python version on your system. Since Python is available onall popular operating systems, we will cover the process of checking Python versions on Linux, Windows, and macOS to help users regardless of their OS. ...
Result of the above will be similar to the one below: rpm command to query the system for version info Method 3: Refer the files /etc/*release Every Linux OS hosts teh important and configuration details about itself and packages in /etc/ directory. And so does centOS. ...
This article describes how to troubleshoot the chroot environment on a rescue virtual machine (VM) in Linux. Ubuntu Stop or deallocate the affected VM. Create a rescue VM of the same generation and the same OS version in same resource group and location by using a managed disk. ...
How to Check your Linux OS Version . Learn how to find the version of OS you are running in your Linux distribution using simple method