4.2 How can I Check the Client's NLS_LANG Setting? 4.2.1 On Unix: 4.2.2 On Windows: 4.3 Where is the Character Conversion Done? 4.4 NLS_LANG default value: 5.1 My windows sqlplusw.exe is not showing all my extended characters in old Oracle versions like 10G and older. ...
Oracle is not installed in my machine. I have no oracle_home. I need to set NLS_LANG to AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8 in my machine. I created a registry entry in the following path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE (I created this folder) String entry: NLS_LANG with value AMERICAN_AMERICA...
Generally, this does not apply to SAP systems that have been installed with Oracle 8i or lower, since with these, the national character set is set to the preset value AL16UTF16 as a result of the upgrade. In this case, the national character set must be changed to UTF8 as described ...
Oracle Tuxedo - Version 6.5 to 12.1.3: How To Avoid "NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 821; check TUXDIR=/bea/tuxedo/, LANG=zh_CN.gb18030" Er
Check for all maybe needed variables in your .profile and define it at the beginning of your cron script.Then you can use it also in your script ($ORACLE_HOME/bin/expdp).You can also use full path of your command.It's up to you.HTHV. *** Say 'Thanks' with Kudos *** 1...
2. Oracle/PLSQL We will use TO_NUMBER function to convert string to number in Oracle. Syntax: TO_NUMBER( stringToConvert [, format_mask] [, nls_language] ) Parameters: stringToConvert: The string that will be switched over completely to a number. ...
1.23DetectifrunninginPBorexecutable7 1.24Changetextonbuttontobold7 1.25Sortanarray7 1.26GetdatafromtheInternet7 1.27TransformaKeyCode!toaString8 1.28UsetheundocumentedINDIRECTkeyword9 1.29Encrypt/Decryptastring10 1.30Checkifaneventissupportedbyanobject10 1.31Checkifanobjectdefinitionexists11 1.32Haveabuttonwith...
Oracle Database SQL言語リファレンスのGRANTを参照してください。 例3-12 データベース・ディレクトリの作成 コピー CREATE DIRECTORY xmldir AS path_to_folder_containing_XML_file; 例3-13 XMLType表へのXMLコンテンツの挿入 コピー INSERT INTO mytable2 VALUES (XMLType(bfilename('XMLDIR'...
I have a unix server (Solarsi 2.6) that I need to collect information from and load it into a Oracle 8 database on a different unix server (Solaris 8). I was told by a Oracle DBA that I could use the Oracle 8.0.4 enterprise edition cdrom to install the Net8 client on the unix...
cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin ./lsnrctl stop ./lsnrctl start Connect to your Oracle database in SQL*Plus. Ensure that you have setNLS_LANGbefore starting SQL*Plus.NLS_LANGlets Oracle know what character set your client machine is using. For example: ...