The Color Bandwidth Meter (cbm) is a small command-line utility that displays current network traffic on all devices connected to the network. The curses-based output is displayed in colors and shows each network interface, bytes received, sent, and totalbytes. Installcbmon your distribution using...
Linux comes equipped with a plethora of networking utilities to choose from. tcpdump is one such powerful networking tool that can capture and analyze network traffic should you need to troubleshoot network errors on Linux. Let's get hands-on with the tcpdump command and explore how to use i...
I recently coveredthree utilities you can use to monitor your system resources in Linux. One of those programs,iftopgives you information about the network traffic of your machine. In this article I’ll show the in-depth usage of iftop, as well as another program callednethogsthat was recommen...
Developers and sysadmins may need to monitor various network parameters, such as bandwidth consumption and the traffic flowing in/out. There are many tools available for this purpose, one of them being vnStat. It is a simple CLI utility that shows network statistics over various interfaces and p...
You can use a variety of utilities, such as System Activity Reporter (SAR), iftop, and NetHogs, to query and analyze network traffic loads in a Linux system from multiple dimensions. This topic describes how to use SAR, iftop, and NetHogs to query and analyze the network traffic loads ...
To install iftop, run this command: sudo apt install iftop To launch the utility, use the-iflag and specify your network interface. In our case: sudo iftop -i enp0s3 The output shows the activity for the device. The bottom of the screen provides a traffic summary. ...
The command netstat is also one of the main options when monitoring network traffic. The following command will show listening (l) and active (a) ports. #netstat-la You can find more information on netstat atHow to check for open ports on Linux. ...
We’ll begin by looking at how your Linux machine connects to the network in order to answer the where question at the beginning of the chapter. This is the lower part of the stack—the physical and network layers. Later, we’ll look at the upper two layers that answer the what questio...
How can we monitor network transfer speed on Linux server? Q: We need to know what network transfer speed for our Linux server. What are the steps? A: IPHost Network Monitor, since version 3.5, offers SNMP Traffic Speed monitor. Here is the sequence of its setup: ...
There are several ways to automatically configure networks in Linux-based systems. The most widely used option on desktops and notebooks is NetworkManager. Other network configuration management systems are mainly targeted for smaller embedded systems, such as OpenWRT’s netifd, Android’s ConnectivityMan...