You now know how to use thecommand line to check your MySQL version. Additionally, if you need to get a more detailed account of your MySQL version, this article explained how to display additional data from within the MySQL client.
grant all privileges on db_name.* to 'apps'@'localhost'; etc. If you really want to rename the root user instead though, you can modify the mysql.user table and then restart the mysql server: update mysql.user set user = 'apps' where user = 'root'; ...
There are some important differences between MySQL versions, so knowing which version is running on your server might be important. In this article, we’ll show you how to check the version of the MySQL or MariaDB server that is installed on your system.
I am designing a MySQL database for storing profiles and user responses to questions from these profiles. Data from the database is needed to create a json objects. We are developing a REST API. The user fills in the data (name,email,position,tel...) and thus Then ans...
At some point, you might want to create additional users. In MySQL, each account consists of a username and password. It also specifies the client host or hosts where the user can connect to your MySQL server. You’ll typically create additional accounts when more people require access to ...
Say you want to check if field/column “foo” from a given row of the table “bar” when > returned by a mySQL query is null. You just use the “is_null()” function: [connect…] $qResult=mysql_query("Select foo from bar;"); while ($qValues=mysql_fetch_assoc($qResult)) if (...
As I mentioned before that instruments are being read from left to right, we can find out which instrument we require and then find its respective performance. For example – I need to observe the performance of redo logs (log files or WAL files) of my MySQL instance and need to check ...
mysql-uroot-p Copy Once you have access to the MySQL prompt, you can create a new user with aCREATE USERstatement. These follow this general syntax: CREATEUSER'username'@'host'IDENTIFIED WITHauthentication_pluginBY'password'; Copy AfterCREATE USER, you specify a username. This is immediately ...
[mysqld]user=user_name If your Unix machine itself is not secured, you should assign passwords to the MySQLrootaccount in the grant tables. Otherwise, any user with a login account on that machine can run themysqlclient with a--user=rootoption and perform any operation. (It is a good id...
Com_dealloc_sql 24 The database instance have more than 157 user databases, and I am not sure how to pin it on the culprit database's or user's. Is there a way to trace back to the origin of this leak ? Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....