你直接把钱放进账单本子里面,然后招手让她过来收就可以了。而且,最好别说how much,直接简单来句Check please.就ok。 例句: 最简单的要求结账方式就是: Check please. 结账时要给小费,如果给现金的话,可以说: Keep the change. ...
To check your balance, open the Wallet app on your iPhone and tap Apple Card. The Card Balance is displayed right below your card. Card Balance includes all new spending and any remaining balance from the previous month. You can only pay off your Apple Card purchases after they clear, so...
Check my bill on apple Hello..can help me to check my bill on apple purchase 2 years ago 247 1 how do i pay my bill How do I pay my bill, and where do i find a statement? 2 years ago 384 3 Hi any one to check my bill I need to know my bill for now please 4 y...
For example, it's generally not acceptable to ask someone how much they earn. 例如,问某人赚多少钱一般是不可接受的。 However, people talk about money all the time; in this lesson you'll see how to talk about money in a natural way in English. 然而,人们总是在谈论金钱;在这节课中,大家...
Asking "where's my tax refund?" Know the timeline for getting your refund, from filing your return to the direct deposit in your bank account. Find out how e-filing and choosing direct deposit can speed up the process.
1. How to check if the iPhone is original using IMEI The IMEI number is the easiest way to verify if the iPhone is original. IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity and serves as a unique ID for your iPhone’s hardware. ...
How to check rates and enquire about prices Need to check rates before creating your shipments? Acquiring a Rate and Time Quote on MyDHL+ is a breeze, thanks to the feature being easily accessible from several different areas within the platform. ...
How to price your products– this is a question I get ALL the time. And every time I browse Etsy and many other online stores I see it – the shockingly low price. Too many sellers think low prices mean selling more. Are you one of them?
Washington doesn’t have a state income tax, so if you live—and earned income—in Washington, there’s no Washington refund to track.If you’d like to track your fe
Be sure to check if you can lower your health insurance with premium tax credits even if you already have a plan with the Marketplace. You may be able to update your application to get new eligibility results for credits. Reselect your current plan for the changes to take effect...