Another big advantage of a MOSFET against the BJT is it's high input resistance, which makes it possible to be integrated with any logic IC directly, no matter how big the load may be that's being switched by the device. This advantage also allows us to connect many MOSFETs in parallel ...
MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors) is an incredibly versatile and effective component to add to electronic circuitry.
Some say BJT, while others say MOSFET. People have different answers because they use them for different applications. For example, BJTs are better in low-current applications, while MOSFETs are better in high-current applications. To choose which transistor better suits yo...
In addition to the transistor voltage drop, the LED will also drop somewhere between 1.2 and 3 volts when it’s switched on (check the datasheet under VF). Therefore, in order to calculate the correct value for resistor Rc, the voltage drop across the collector/emitter (VCE(sat)) and th...
To decide the fast charging current, we need to calculate the worst-case allowable power dissipation on the P-MOSFET Q1. Power dissipation on the Q1 is expressed as below: Pdiss(Q1) = Vds(Q1) × Icharge Vds(Q1) = 5V - VD1 - Icharge × Rcs - Vbatt ...
CircuitLab's Q&A site is a FREE questions and answers forum for electronics and electrical engineering students, hobbyists, and professionals. We encourage you to use our built-in schematic & simulation software to add more detail to your questions and answers....
example of this reporting and benchmarking process using a two-dimensional semiconductor field-effect transistor. Our guidelines should help promote an improved approach for assessing device performance in emerging field-effect transistors, helping the field to progress in a more consistent and meaningful...
For a high current path, as shown in figure 6, this is not just a single pin-to-pin connection. Instead, multiple insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) or metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) are switched in parallel to share the high currents, which is to be ...
Below are the guides on how to know if MOSFET is defective. These are the most common techniques that can be used to check if MOSFET is defective. Technical Article How to Select a MOSFET – Selection Tool Brett Barr In my last blog post, I talked about how difficult it can be to select the most appropriate field-effect transistor (FET) for switch-mode power supply (SMPS) applications. Predicting circuit performance from a ...