When you see unexpected charges from Microsoft in a statement from your bank, credit card, or any other payment provider, we want to help you resolve your question as quickly as possible. If you don't recognize a charge on your account, go to theManage your paymentspage...
When you see unexpected charges from Microsoft in a statement from your bank, credit card, or any other payment provider, we want to help you resolve your question as quickly as possible. If you don't recognize a charge on your account, go to theManage your paymentspage of your Microsoft...
Microsoft Office 365is more than just your average email app. It's a powerhouse of tools that can supercharge your productivity. In this post, we're diving into some lesser-known but highly effective features that can take your Microsoft Office 365 experience to the next level. Microsoft 365...
4.Click Other Users Or Groups to display the Select User, Computer, Service Account, Or Group dialog box. 5.Type the name of a user or a group, and then click Check Names. If multiple names match the value you entered, you’ll see a list of names and can choose the one you want...
In the Azure portal, underSettings, go toConfigurationand check ifZone redundancyis listed as enabled or disabled. Next steps How to configure data sources Feedback Was this page helpful? YesNo Provide product feedback| Get help at Microsoft Q&A ...
Here’s some info about charging your Surface and what Microsoft-licensed power supplies are available for Surface. Connect your charger To begin charging your Surface, connect the power supply that was designed for your Surface to a power source—a wall outlet, power strip, or surge protector....
Microsoft is clearly looking to put some “enterprise” into the document-oriented database world with DocumentDB, and given its customer base, that’s a solid move. However, one thing that’s clearly lacking (for now) is any kind of “object-ish” wrapper around the Docu...
After installing your new RAM, verify it’s working correctly: Check Windows Recognition: Press Windows + X Select “System” View installed RAM amount Use Memory Diagnostic Tool: Type “Windows Memory Diagnostic” in the start menu Run a memory test to ensure stability ...
Security Watch: Why You Should Disable the Administrator Account SQL Q&A: Clusters, Isolation, and More Utility Spotlight: WMI Code Creator Blog Tales: Introduction to Excel XML How IT Works: POP3 Delivers Inside Microsoft.com: Making the Move to x64 ...
Due to recent updates to the POP Mail settings ofMicrosoft®accounts, you need to configure your email account to be able to send and receive emails using the HTCMailapp. Use your computer web browser and go to your email provider's website: ...